Fix-A-Leak Sweepstakes

LBUD Fix-A-Leak Sweepstakes Banner Image

Fix-A-Leak and Enter for a Chance to Win a $50 gift card!

Do you enjoy fixing leaks and saving water? Would you like a chance to win a $50 gift card to a Long Beach Certified Blue Restaurant (CBR) and a Long Beach Utilities Department (LBUD) water efficiency swag bag?
EPA WaterSense Fix a Leak Week is from March 17-23, but you can win big by entering our sweepstakes from March 17-31! We’ll be selecting five lucky winners who participate in our Fix a Leak Week Sweepstakes! All you need to do is inspect your toilet for leaks (see instructions below) and send us a photo of your inspection result. Submit your photos along with your billing information via email or come by our office, 1800 E. Wardlow Road, to show us your photos and billing information. And it doesn’t have to stop at the toilet! Share photos of you inspecting your faucets, pipes, outdoor sprinklers … anywhere water could be leaking.

Sweepstakes Guidelines



Option 1: Email us at 
Complete with the following sweepstakes entry:

  • Email subject line: LB Fix a Leak Sweepstakes 2025
  • Photos
  • First and Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Address
  • Email
  • Long Beach Utilities Department Account Number (water or gas)

All points above are required for sweepstakes entry and verification by the LBUD.

If emails aren’t your thing, you can bring the required points above to our Long Beach Utilities Department Administration Building at 1800 E. Wardlow Ave. during business hours (8 am -4:30 pm).


Option 2: You can earn another sweepstakes entry by following the easy leak check on your free WaterSmart Portal:

1. Log in to your WaterSmart Portal.
2. On the Home tab, navigate to the top-middle of the page and select Check if I have a leak.



3. After reading the information and watching the videos, let us know what you found! Then select submit to be entered in the sweepstakes.
4. If you didn’t find a leak, let us know using the Contact tab at the end of the Check if I have a leak training to enter in the sweepstakes and so we can assist you with any ongoing issues you may be having around your home.


Option 3: Post your leak-checking photos on Instagram or Facebook making sure to tag us @lbutilities, then send us a Direct Message (DM) with your LBUD account number or street address to receive an extra entry into the Fix-A-Leak Sweepstakes.


How to test your toilet for a leak - AND FIX IT!

A toilet leak can waste a lot of water — and your money! But don’t worry, finding and fixing toilet leaks is simple. Let’s break it down.

Graphic to show how to use toilet dye to check leaks

STEP 1: Get some dye.

Stop by the LBUD Administration building at 1800 E. Wardlow Ave. during business hours (8 a.m. -4:30 p.m.) to pick up some toilet dye strips or you may use some extra food coloring.

STEP 2: Drop the dye into your toilet tank.

Remove the tank lid from your toilet, and add either they toilet dye strip or food coloring. If using a toilet dye strip, please wait for 2 hours for results. If choosing to use food coloring, drop 10 drops and wait 30 minutes. Do not flush - allow time for the test to fully complete.

After the specified time, if any color shows up in the bowl, you’ve got a leak.

Note: Make sure to flush your toilet once your test is complete to remove the dye from the tank.


Got a leak? Fix it by replacing the flapper or inflow valve. 

More than likely your leak was caused by a worn flapper or a worn fill valve, both of which are easy DIY projects. To fix the leak, close your angle stop so your toilet water supply stops, then visit your local hardware store and buy a toilet repair kit. The nice person in the store can show you how simple it is.

For a more detailed explanation, watch this video or contact a plumber.



Need help? Contact our Water Conservation Staff at 562-570-2455.

