Direct Install Gardens Program


About the Direct Install Gardens Program

Direct Install Gardens Program (DIG) serves as a model for promoting equitable access to sustainable landscaping, helping communities adapt to drought conditions and climate change.

DIG is a pilot program focused on providing sustainable landscaping solutions for income-qualified residents. The program is designed to help homeowners replace their water-intensive lawns with drought-tolerant vegetation that requires less water and maintenance than the average grass lawn. DIG not only reduces water usage but also provides financial relief to residents who may struggle with the costs of maintaining traditional lawns, increases stormwater capture, and promotes overall environmental sustainability.

Participation in DIG includes:

A site assessment, the development of a custom landscape design, removal of existing turf, and an efficiency-focused retrofit of the resident’s current irrigation system. Additionally, participants are educated on the maintenance requirements of their new gardens to ensure long-term water conservation.


How to Apply

Application Checklist

Please have the following information readily available before applying:

  1. Water account number
  2. A document confirming home ownership
  3. Verify that your home is located within an SB-535 Disadvantaged Community
    - OR -
    If your home is not located within the designated mapped area, please provide a letter from an issuing agency or bank statement verifying public assistance was granted to you with the last year to confirm income eligibility. Examples of qualifying public assistance can include:
    • Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance
    • CalFresh/SNAP (Food Stamps)
    • CalWorks (TANF)/Tribal TANF
    • Head Start Income Eligible (Tribal Only)
    • Medi-Cal/medicaid
    • Medi-Cal for Families (Healthy Families A&B)
    • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
    • Women, Infants, and Children (W.I.C.)
  4. Have images of existing turf and irrigation systems
  5. Review the following documents:

DIG Terms & Conditions(PDF, 270KB)
Spanish DIG Terms & Conditions(PDF, 308KB)
Khmer DIG Terms & Conditions(PDF, 426KB)
Tagalog DIG Terms & Conditions(PDF, 323KB) 

DIG Customer Agreement(PDF, 270KB)
Spanish DIG Customer Agreement(PDF, 79KB)
Khmer DIG Customer Agreement(PDF, 179KB)
Tagalog DIG Customer Agreement(PDF, 75KB)




Please e-mail for additional program information.