Interruptible Water Reclamation Service

The Long Beach Utilities Department (LBUD) Interruptible Reclaimed Water Service (IRWS) is established in Rate Resolution No. UT-1482, adopted June 26, 2023(PDF, 2MB) . This service is defined as a discounted reclaimed water rate that can be suspended at any time at the General Manager’s discretion, without liability and dependent upon the Department’s reclaimed water system needs for such service.

LBUD’s reclaimed water needs for service interruption are dependent upon factors including, but not limited to, reclaimed water storage levels, reclamation plant maintenance/outages, and anticipated demand. Based on maintenance and monitoring of the reclaimed water distribution system, these needs can vary between fiscal years. 

For each year that an interruptible rate is deemed necessary and offered, LBUD shall establish its overall system need and a targeted reduction in reclaimed water consumption. If the applications for the service exceed the need established by LBUD for an interruption event, a lottery shall be established to allot the need amongst the approved applications received. Once sufficient reclaimed water customers subscribe to this class of service to meet the target, this interruptible class of service cannot be offered to additional customers. 

IRWS established in the LBUD's Rate Resolution, shall be available only for the fiscal year the rate resolution is in effect. 

For each year that Interruptible Service is specified in the rate resolution, the Department shall assess the specific need in terms of volumetric flow rate needed to enhance the reliability of peak reclaimed water delivery. Service shall not be offered at the Interruptible rate if deemed unnecessary by the Department. 

IRWS-Terms-and-Performance-Guidelines(PDF, 229KB)


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