Long Beach Utilities to Host Proposition 218 Hearing Aug. 19

Published on July 05, 2024

Contact: Joy Contreras
Public Information Officer
Phone: (562) 355-1201
Email: joy.contreras@lbutilities.org

Long Beach Utilities to Host Public Hearing on August 19

The Long Beach Utilities Commission will host a Proposition 218 public hearing on Monday, August 19, 2024. At this hearing, the Board will receive all public testimony and any protests to the proposed 11 percent rate increase on water rates and a proposed 8 percent increase on sewer rates. These rate increases were discussed by the Board of Utilities Commissioners at three public budget workshops held May 2, May 16, and June 6, and adopted June 6, 2024. 

In November 1996, California voters approved Proposition 218 which includes a requirement for a public hearing prior to the adoption of proposed rate increases for water or sewer services. Pursuant to Proposition 218, Long Beach Utilities will be hosting a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Monday, August 19, 2024, at the Long Beach Utilities Administration Building at 1800 East Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA 90807. The building is accessible by four Long Beach Transit Bus routes: 21, 23, 71, and 131. Free visitor parking is also available. 

All utility account owners and members of the public may attend the public hearing. At the close of the public hearing, the Board may adopt new water and sewer rate increases, as proposed, if protests by a majority of water and sewer account holders are not formally submitted. The rates remain subject to a vote by the Long Beach City Council prior to implementation. If approved by the City Council, the new water and sewer rates become effective on October 1, 2024. The proposed rate increases amount to approximately $9 a month for the average Long Beach residential customer; this amount includes $6 attributable to the water rate increase, $1 a month attributable to the sewer rate increase, both of which are subject to Proposition 218; as well as an estimated $2 a month increase attributable to a previously approved natural gas rate increase. Gas rates are not subject to Proposition 218. 

Long Beach water and sewer account holders may submit a formal Proposition 218 protest via an email to commission@lbutilities.org or in writing by sending a written protest by mail to: 

Long Beach Board of Utilities Commissioners 

Attn: Executive Assistant to the Board

1800 E. Wardlow Road

Long Beach, CA 90807

All protests must be received by the close of the public hearing on August 19, 2024. To request language interpretation at the public hearing, please email commission@lbutilities.org by August 5, 2024 by 5:00 p.m.


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